Peachtree Oral and Facial Surgery
262 S Peachtree Pkwy, Suite 1
Peachtree City, GA 30269
Office: 770-302-0101

August 28, 2021

Our Top Tips for Dealing with Nerves on Surgery Day

Being anxious before undergoing any procedure, whether minor or major, is completely normal! People often focus on the temporary discomfort rather than the end result, which can be incredibly nerve-inducing. Not to worry, our team is here to share some of our top tips for dealing with nerves on surgery day.

In the video below, the team at Peachtree Oral and Facial Surgery address the common nerves patients have on surgery day and suggest a few tips to combat the anxiety.


“First of all, you are really truly in great hands! I would trust them [the doctors] with the people that I love. I also like to inform them as well that we have a medical doctor in the house.

Just don't overthink it during surgery day people tend to overthink things.

Just remember our team is extremely experienced and they have your best interest at heart. Dr. Anderson is also a medical doctor so you're in great hands.

Hi guys! My only advice is to take it easy, don’t be stressing about it. We're here for you and don't cry, it's too late for that!

So when it comes to the day of the surgery a lot of patients have a few nerves. They might be nervous about a couple of things; maybe about the surgery maybe about the IV maybe about the shots that you might get during surgery. But I find that most patients that I have, are a little apprehensive about the IV. I just tell them just to relax the day of the surgery. Come in it's a positive experience, we're really good at what we do. We do IVs every single morning, every single day, we do multiple a day. So we're really good at what we do. We’re really quick and it honestly is a pretty positive experience if you just relax and let us talk you through it. It's something that you won't even realize happens and before you know it you'll be asleep and then you'll be awake and on your way home.

If you're going to be going in with local anesthesia my biggest suggestion would be to bring in some headphones so you can listen to your favorite music.

So if you're nervous on surgery day just relax! That's all you have to do.

So my tip would be to go get your prescription filled before your surgery and to go to the grocery store and get all the soft food diets you'll need after surgery.

When I have a patient that comes in that is really, really nervous I talk to them, calm them down a little bit. I keep talking to them until I know that they are comfortable. I try to keep them comfortable and relaxed.

So, trying to be calm when you come to an office like ours probably the best thing to do is to have someone with you that is excellent support. Someone who's nurturing without being too nurturing and someone who really gets you in the right mood. Along those lines, I think bringing headphones and having some soothing music will help as well, and try not to overthink this. Try to, you know, just put yourself in a good place prior to having this done.”


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